Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Poverty Vs. Education - 1136 Words

Hector Sanchez Professor Barry Ramirez English 1109.3 21 October 2017 Poverty vs Education In this paper I am going to talk about how poverty and education are linked to each other and how with education, poverty can be mostly likely avoided. There has been a long time war going on with poverty; there have been many theories on how poverty can be put to an end. Many theories focus on the government giving people who are in poverty money to aid them in difficult times. To help them pay for rent, food, supplies, college education, and many other life necessities. But in this paper we are going to mainly focus on that percentage of people that are living on two dollars a day and how getting an education is a bit more difficult to obtain due†¦show more content†¦Lack of education is one of the leading causes of poverty. There are many factors that contribute as to why many adolescents do not have the education that they deserve. There are many people that say that the children s parents are the one to blame if they too do not have an education min imum of a high school diploma. The stakes are even higher if both parents do not have at least a high school diploma which causes the teenager to follow in their parents shoes. Poverty can even lead to poorer test scores; a recent study named the Coleman Report â€Å"documented the fact that students from lower-income families did more poorly in school than their middle- or upper-income bracket counterparts† (Miriam). I believe that being poor puts enormous amounts of stress on any one person, especially ones that trying to get an education while in poverty. While there are many ways for people who are in poverty to get help so that they can be able to afford a college, I believe that organizations like FAFSA are really good government organizations. This organization is government based meaning that the government provides most of the funding for students. Although this organization does not always accept every student that applies for financial aid. This organization cannot help every student that applies for aid; and for thisShow MoreRelatedpoverty vs education Essay1448 Words   |  6 Pages POVERTY and EDUCATION In today’s society it’s hard to get by. Many people and families don’t know how they’re going to make it through the month, some don’t know how they’ll make it through the week; others don’t know how they’ll make it to the next day. The point is that many of the people in our society are struggling day by day just to make a living. What good is it that our educators and society continue to instill in our brains that we need to get an education in order to be able to makeRead MoreSocial Welfare Vs. The Market958 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many reasons why individuals live in poverty. Such as drug addiction, lack of education, Unaffordable housing, criminal record, and alcohol addiction. 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